NAME sam, sammy, carrie
AGE 21 yrs, feb. 8th
PRNS she/they/pup/woof
LOC midwest USA
SXLTY lesbian



howdy! my name's sam, sammy, or carrie. i'm a 21-year-old butch lesbian, artist, furry, student, bad poster, et cetera. i've been an on-and-off hobbyist webdev for about 3-ish years now! i used to be known as xenodogz online, but i rebranded in may of 2024. my old site from that era is here, if you're at all interested in the history of my amateur coding skills. i also have a personal site here, though it's a massive work in progress. it's kind of a place for me to get all my coding sillies out so my actual site can be some approximation of professional.

as i said before, i'm a student! an art student. i'm exactly as pretentious and awkward as you probably think i am. i'm majoring in illustration and i hope to make art my job forever because i am truly not cut out for much else. i've been drawing since i was a puppy, and my main focus is in digital character design and illustration, but i love dipping my paws into whatever mediums i can. i've picked up crochet recently! i'm bad at it. but it's fun. that's what matters. :-3

i've also been a furry since i knew what animal crossing was. i'd design letsplayers i liked as animal crossing characters when i was about 11 years old and it just kinda spiraled from there. back in my deviantart days i used to love making adoptable anthro designs, and i probably still would to this day if i had the time and the energy. ; w ; most of my commission work is for furries though! my fursona journey has been kinda wild, but ultimately i always come back to canines. right now i'm vibing with wolves.


i generally tend to get really into one thing at a time and can't focus on much else or motivate myself to get into anything new. yes, i have heard about the thing you'd think i'd like, yes i agree i would like it too, unfortunately no i am not getting into it. i'm completely at the whims of my fickle brain.

under construction! come back soon!